Graphenstone is the ultimate ecological range of products, composed of natural elements that purify the air we breathe inside our homes. It is suitable for people suffering from chemical intolerance, recommended for indoor enclosures, hospitals, nurseries, geriatrics, hotels, environments or rooms for infants and children.
The health benefits resulting from the use of Graphenstone materials for individuals living in eco- sustainable homes are:
Improves air quality of indoor environments.
Limits pathogens derived from sick building syndrome (sBs).
Prevents mould growth, fungi and bacteria.
Guarantees safe domestic environments.
Increases comfort and quality of life.
High Quality Lime
Sustainable Building
Sustainable Product
Quality and Certification
Contains Graphene Fibres
Unique in the world
Minimum Carbon Footprint
Purifies the environment
Absorbs CO2
100% Ecological
Energy Savings
Costs Savings
High performance
Creates healthy environments
High standard decoration
Art and Wall decoration
Heritage Restoration
Large surfaces
Housing and schools
Laboratories and Reseach Centres
Health Sector
Offices and Universities